Hero Banners

These are generally at the the top of the page, but this is to show the various hero banner options available. Can have up to 4 sliders in the hero section.

CTA Buttons

Can link lower on the page or to other pages

Side-by-Side Module

2 side-by-side images with headlines, copy, and buttons below
*Copy is not required and CTA's can be links instead of buttons if desired.

3-Column CTA Module

3 column images with headline and link only (768 x 960 image size) Note: It would be recommended to have Barb create these as sometimes the gradient/product image sizing can be challenging to get right on desktop v. mobile depending on the text length

50/50 Module

image on one side with tagline, headline, copy, and button (blue, green, or white) or link on the other (1440 x 1440 image size)

Tagline Headline

Copy on the left, image on the right with primary button color

Shop Now

Tagline Headline

Image on the left, copy on the right, with secondary button color

Read More

Rebuy Widget/Carousel

pulls in a collection of products using the Rebuy app

Shop All Bestsellers

Content Module

Sample body copy - can be linked